GAMS Data eXchange (GDX) API
Low-level "eXPert level" C++ API for reading and writing GAMS Data eXchange files
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gdx::TGXFileObj Class Reference

#include <gdx.hpp>

Public Types

enum class  TraceLevels : uint8_t { trl_none , trl_errors , trl_some , trl_all }

Public Member Functions

 TGXFileObj (std::string &ErrMsg)
 Create a new GDX file object. Does not open a file yet. More...
 ~TGXFileObj ()
 Dispose GDX file object. More...
void SetTraceLevel (TraceLevels tl)
int gdxStoreDomainSets () const
 Get flag to store one dimensional sets as potential domains, false (0) saves lots of space for large 1-dim sets that are no domains but can create inconsistent GDX files if used incorrectly. Returns 1 (true) iff. elements of 1-dim sets should be tracked for domain checking, 0 (false) otherwise. More...
void gdxStoreDomainSetsSet (int flag)
 Set flag to store one dimensional sets as potential domains, false (0) saves lots of space for large 1-dim sets that are no domains but can create inconsistent GDX files if used incorrectly. Param flag 1 (true) iff. elements of 1-dim sets should be tracked for domain checking, 0 (false) otherwise. More...
int gdxAllowBogusDomains () const
 Get flag to ignore using 1-dim sets as domain when their elements are not tracked (see gdxStoreDomainSets). In case the flag is enabled this is allowing potentially unsafe writing of records to symbols with one dimensional sets as domain, when GDX has no lookup table for the elements of this set. This can happen when gdxStoreDomainSets was disabled by the user to save memory. For backwards compatability, this is enabled by default. Return 1 (true) iff. using a 1-dim set as domain (when store domain sets option is disabled) should be ignored. Otherwise an error is raised (ERR_NODOMAINDATA). More...
void gdxAllowBogusDomainsSet (int flag)
 Set flag to ignore using 1-dim sets as domain when their elements are not tracked (see gdxStoreDomainSets). Toggle allowing potentially unsafe writing of records to symbols with one dimensional sets as domain, when GDX has no lookup table for the elements of this set. This can happen when gdxStoreDomainSets was disabled by the user to save memory. For backwards compatability, this is enabled by default. When the user explicitly disables it, e.g. via gdxAllowBogusDomainsSet(false), then using a one dimensional set as domain will cause a GDX error (ERR_NODOMAINDATA). Param flag 1 (true) iff. using a 1-dim set as domain (when store domain sets option is disabled) should be ignored. Otherwise an error is raised (ERR_NODOMAINDATA). More...
int gdxMapAcronymsToNaN () const
 Flag to map all acronym values to the GAMS "Not a Number" special value. Disabled by default. More...
void gdxMapAcronymsToNaNSet (int flag)
 Flag to map all acronym values to the GAMS "Not a Number" special value. Disabled by default. More...
int gdxAddAlias (const char *Id1, const char *Id2)
 Add an alias for a set to the symbol table. One of the two identifiers has to be a known set, an alias or "*" (universe); the other identifier is used as the new alias for the given set. The function gdxSymbolInfoX can be used to retrieve the set or alias associated with the identifier; it is returned as the UserInfo parameter. More...
int gdxAutoConvert (int NV)
 Returns the value of the AutoConvert variable and sets the variable to nv. When we close a new GDX file, we look at the value of AutoConvert; if AutoConvert is non-zero, we look at the GDXCOMPRESS and GDXCONVERT environment variables to determine if conversion to an older file format is desired. We needed this logic so gdxcopy.exe can disable automatic file conversion. More...
int64_t gdxGetMemoryUsed ()
 Return the number of bytes used by the data objects. More...
int gdxAcronymAdd (const char *AName, const char *Txt, int AIndx)
 Add a new acronym entry. This can be used to add entries before data is written. Returns negative value (<0) if the entry is not added. More...
int gdxAcronymCount () const
 Number of entries in the acronym table. More...
int gdxAcronymGetInfo (int N, char *AName, char *Txt, int &AIndx) const
 Retrieve acronym information from the acronym table. Non-zero if the index into the acronym table is valid. More...
int gdxAcronymGetMapping (int N, int &orgIndx, int &newIndx, int &autoIndex)
 Get information how acronym values are remapped. When reading GDX data, we need to map indices for acronyms used in the GDX file to indices used by the reading program. Non-zero if the index into the acronym table is valid. More...
int gdxAcronymIndex (double V) const
 Get index value of an acronym. Returns zero if V does not represent an acronym. More...
int gdxAcronymName (double V, char *AName)
 Find the name of an acronym value. Non-zero if a name for the acronym is defined. An unnamed acronym value will return a string of the form UnknownAcronymNNN, were NNN is the index of the acronym. More...
int gdxAcronymNextNr (int NV)
 Returns the value of the NextAutoAcronym variable and sets the variable to nv. More...
int gdxAcronymSetInfo (int N, const char *AName, const char *Txt, int AIndx)
 Modify acronym information in the acronym table. More...
double gdxAcronymValue (int AIndx) const
 Create an acronym value based on the index (AIndx should be greater than 0). Returns the calculated acronym value (zero if AIndx is <0). More...
int gdxSymbolAddComment (int SyNr, const char *Txt)
 Add a line of comment text for a symbol. Returns zero if the operation is not possible. More...
int gdxSymbolGetComment (int SyNr, int N, char *Txt)
 Retrieve a line of comment text for a symbol. Returns zero if the operation is not possible. More...
int gdxSymbolGetDomain (int SyNr, int *DomainSyNrs)
 Retrieve the domain of a symbol. Returns zero if the operation is not possible. More...
int gdxSymbolGetDomainX (int SyNr, char **DomainIDs)
 Retrieve the domain of a symbol (using relaxed or domain information). Returns zero if the operation is not possible. More...
int gdxSymbolSetDomain (const char **DomainIDs)
 Define the domain of a symbol for which a write data operation just started using DataWriteRawStart, DataWriteMapStart or DataWriteStrStart. Returns zero if the operation is not possible. More...
int gdxSymbolSetDomainX (int SyNr, const char **DomainIDs)
 Define the domain of a symbol (relaxed version). Returns zero if the operation is not possible. More...
int gdxGetDomainElements (int SyNr, int DimPos, int FilterNr, TDomainIndexProc_t DP, int &NrElem, void *Uptr)
 Get the unique elements for a given dimension of a given symbol. More...
File (Open/Close)
int gdxClose ()
 Close a GDX file that was previously opened for reading or writing. Before the file is closed, any pending write operations will be finished. This does not free the GDX in-memory object. This method will automatically be called when the GDX object lifetime ends (e.g. being out of scope). More...
int gdxOpenAppend (const char *FileName, const char *Producer, int &ErrNr)
 Open an existing GDX file for output. Non-zero if the file can be opened, zero otherwise. More...
int gdxOpenRead (const char *FileName, int &ErrNr)
 Open a GDX file for reading. Non-zero if the file can be opened, zero otherwise. More...
int gdxOpenReadEx (const char *FileName, int ReadMode, int &ErrNr)
 Open a GDX file for reading allowing for skipping sections. Non-zero if the file can be opened, zero otherwise. More...
int gdxOpenWrite (const char *FileName, const char *Producer, int &ErrNr)
 Open a new GDX file for output. Non-zero if the file can be opened, zero otherwise. More...
int gdxOpenWriteEx (const char *FileName, const char *Producer, int Compr, int &ErrNr)
 Create a GDX file for writing with explicitly given compression flag. Non-zero if the file can be opened, zero otherwise. More...
int gdxFilterExists (int FilterNr)
 Check if there is a filter defined based on its number as used in gdxFilterRegisterStart. Returns zero if the operation is not possible. More...
int gdxFilterRegister (int UelMap)
 Add a unique element to the current filter definition, zero if the index number is out of range or was never mapped into the user index space. More...
int gdxFilterRegisterDone ()
 Finish registration of unique elements for a filter. Returns zero if the operation is not possible. More...
int gdxFilterRegisterStart (int FilterNr)
 Define a unique element filter. Returns zero if the operation is not possible. More...
int gdxFindSymbol (const char *SyId, int &SyNr)
 Search for a symbol by name in the symbol table; the search is not case-sensitive. More...
int gdxGetUEL (int UelNr, char *Uel) const
 Get the string for a unique element using a mapped index. Returns zero if the operation is not possible. More...
Longest symbol UEL
int gdxSymbIndxMaxLength (int SyNr, int *LengthInfo)
 Returns the length of the longest UEL used for every index position for a given symbol. More...
int gdxSymbMaxLength () const
 Returns the length of the longest symbol name in the GDX file. More...
int gdxUELMaxLength () const
 Returns the length of the longest unique element (UEL) name. More...
Read Data
int gdxDataErrorCount () const
 Query the number of error records. More...
int gdxDataErrorRecord (int RecNr, int *KeyInt, double *Values)
 Retrieve an error record. Non-zero if the record number is valid. More...
int gdxDataErrorRecordX (int RecNr, int *KeyInt, double *Values)
 Retrieve an error record. Non-zero if the record number is valid. More...
int gdxDataReadDone ()
 Finish reading of a symbol in any mode (raw, mapped, string). . Returns zero if the operation is not possible. More...
int gdxDataReadFilteredStart (int SyNr, const int *FilterAction, int &NrRecs)
 Initialize the reading of a symbol in filtered mode. Returns zero if the operation is not possible. More...
int gdxDataReadMap (int RecNr, int *KeyInt, double *Values, int &DimFrst)
 Read the next record in mapped mode. Returns zero if the operation is not possible. More...
int gdxDataReadMapStart (int SyNr, int &NrRecs)
 Initialize the reading of a symbol in mapped mode. Returns zero if the operation is not possible. More...
int gdxDataReadRaw (int *KeyInt, double *Values, int &DimFrst)
 Read the next record in raw mode. Returns zero if the operation is not possible. More...
int gdxDataReadRawFast (int SyNr, TDataStoreProc_t DP, int &NrRecs)
 Read a symbol in Raw mode using a callback procedure. Returns zero if the operation is not possible. More...
int gdxDataReadRawFastEx (int SyNr, TDataStoreExProc_t DP, int &NrRecs, void *Uptr)
 Read a symbol in Raw mode using a callback procedure. Returns zero if the operation is not possible. More...
int gdxDataReadRawFastFilt (int SyNr, const char **UelFilterStr, TDataStoreFiltProc_t DP)
 Read a symbol in Raw mode while applying a filter using a callback procedure. Returns zero if the operation is not possible. More...
int gdxDataReadRawStart (int SyNr, int &NrRecs)
 Initialize the reading of a symbol in raw mode. Returns zero if the operation is not possible. More...
int gdxDataReadSlice (const char **UelFilterStr, int &Dimen, TDataStoreProc_t DP)
 Read a slice of data from a data set, by fixing zero or more index positions in the data. When a data element is available, the callback procedure DP is called with the current index and the values. The indices used in the index vary from zero to the highest value minus one for that index position. This function can be called multiple times. Returns zero if the operation is not possible. More...
int gdxDataReadSliceStart (int SyNr, int *ElemCounts)
 Prepare for the reading of a slice of data from a data set. The actual read of the data is done by calling gdxDataReadSlice. When finished reading, call gdxDataReadDone. Returns zero if the operation is not possible. More...
int gdxDataReadStr (char **KeyStr, double *Values, int &DimFrst)
 Read the next record using strings for the unique elements. The reading should be initialized by calling DataReadStrStart. Returns zero if the operation is not possible or if there is no more data. More...
int gdxDataReadStrStart (int SyNr, int &NrRecs)
 Initialize the reading of a symbol in string mode. Returns zero if the operation is not possible. More...
int gdxDataSliceUELS (const int *SliceKeyInt, char **KeyStr)
 Map a slice index in to the corresponding unique elements. After calling DataReadSliceStart, each index position is mapped from 0 to N(d)-1. This function maps this index space back in to unique elements represented as strings. Returns zero if the operation is not possible. More...
Special values
int gdxGetSpecialValues (double *AVals)
 Retrieve the internal values for special values. Always non-zero. More...
int gdxMapValue (double D, int &sv)
 Classify a value as a potential special value. Non-zero if D is a special value, zero otherwise. More...
int gdxResetSpecialValues ()
 Reset the internal values for special values. Always non-zero. More...
int gdxSetReadSpecialValues (const double *AVals)
 Set the internal values for special values when reading a GDX file. Before calling this function, initialize the array of special values by calling gdxGetSpecialValues first. Always non-zero. More...
int gdxSetSpecialValues (const double *AVals)
 Set the internal values for special values. Before calling this function, initialize the array of special values by calling gdxGetSpecialValues first. Note, values in AVals have to be unique. Non- zero if all values specified are unique, zero otherwise. More...
int gdxFileInfo (int &FileVer, int &ComprLev) const
 Returns file format number and compression level used. Always non-zero. More...
int gdxSymbolDim (int SyNr)
 Returns dimensionality of a symbol. More...
int gdxSymbolInfo (int SyNr, char *SyId, int &Dimen, int &Typ)
 Returns information (name, dimension count, type) about a symbol from the symbol table. Returns zero if the symbol number is out of range, non-zero otherwise. More...
int gdxSymbolInfoX (int SyNr, int &RecCnt, int &UserInfo, char *ExplTxt)
 Returns additional information about a symbol. Returns zero if the symbol number is out of range, non-zero otherwise. More...
int gdxSystemInfo (int &SyCnt, int &UelCnt) const
 Returns the number of symbols and unique elements. Always non-zero. More...
int gdxCurrentDim () const
 Returns the dimension of the currently active symbol When reading or writing data, the dimension of the current active symbol is sometimes needed to convert arguments from strings to pchars (char ) etc. More...
Text for UELs
int gdxAddSetText (const char *Txt, int &TxtNr)
 Register a string in the string table Register a string in the string table and return the integer number assigned to this string. The integer value can be used to set the associated text of a set element. The string must follow the GAMS syntax rules for explanatory text e.g. not longer than 255 characters. More...
int gdxGetElemText (int TxtNr, char *Txt, int &Node)
 Retrieve the string and node number for an entry in the string table. Returns zero if the operation is not possible. More...
int gdxSetHasText (int SyNr)
 Test if any of the elements of the set has an associated text. Non-zero if the Set contains at least one unique element that has associated text, zero otherwise. More...
int gdxSetTextNodeNr (int TxtNr, int Node)
 Set the Node number for an entry in the string table. After registering a string with AddSetText, we can assign a node number for later retrieval. Returns zero if the operation is not possible. More...
Unique elements
int gdxUELRegisterDone ()
 Finish registration of unique elements. Returns zero if the operation is not possible. More...
int gdxUELRegisterMap (int UMap, const char *Uel)
 Register unique element in mapped mode. A unique element must follow the GAMS rules when it contains quote characters. Returns zero if the operation is not possible. More...
int gdxUELRegisterMapStart ()
 Start registering unique elements in mapped mode. Returns zero if the operation is not possible. More...
int gdxUELRegisterRaw (const char *Uel)
 Register unique element in raw mode. This can only be used while writing to a GDX file. Returns zero if the operation is not possible. More...
int gdxUELRegisterRawStart ()
 Start registering unique elements in raw mode. Returns zero if the operation is not possible. More...
int gdxUELRegisterStr (const char *Uel, int &UelNr)
 Register a unique element in string mode. A unique element must follow the GAMS rules when it contains quote characters. Non-zero if the element was registered, zero otherwise. More...
int gdxUELRegisterStrStart ()
 Start registering unique elements in string mode. Returns zero if the operation is not possible. More...
int gdxUMFindUEL (const char *Uel, int &UelNr, int &UelMap)
 Search for unique element by its string. Non-zero if the element was found, zero otherwise. More...
int gdxUMUelGet (int UelNr, char *Uel, int &UelMap)
 Get a unique element using an unmapped index. Returns zero if the operation is not possible. More...
int gdxUMUelInfo (int &UelCnt, int &HighMap) const
 Return information about the unique elements (UELs). Always non-zero. More...
int gdxRenameUEL (const char *OldName, const char *NewName)
 Rename unique element OldName to NewName. More...
Write Data
int gdxDataWriteDone ()
 Finish a write operation. Returns zero if the operation is not possible. More...
int gdxDataWriteMap (const int *KeyInt, const double *Values)
 Write a data element in mapped mode. Returns zero if the operation is not possible. More...
int gdxDataWriteMapStart (const char *SyId, const char *ExplTxt, int Dimen, int Typ, int UserInfo)
 Start writing a new symbol in mapped mode. Returns zero if the operation is not possible. More...
int gdxDataWriteRaw (const int *KeyInt, const double *Values)
 Write a data element in raw mode. Returns zero if the operation is not possible. More...
int gdxDataWriteRawStart (const char *SyId, const char *ExplTxt, int Dimen, int Typ, int UserInfo)
 Start writing a new symbol in raw mode. Returns zero if the operation is not possible. More...
int gdxDataWriteRawStartKeyBounds (const char *SyId, const char *ExplTxt, int Dimen, int Typ, int UserInfo, const int *MinUELIndices, const int *MaxUELIndices)
 Start writing a new symbol in raw mode with bounds for UEL key indices being known in advance. This helps potentially reducing the required storage for the keys as smaller integral datatypes can be used. Returns zero if the operation is not possible. More...
int gdxDataWriteStr (const char **KeyStr, const double *Values)
 Write a data element in string mode. Each element string must follow the GAMS rules for unique elements. Returns zero if the operation is not possible. More...
int gdxDataWriteStrStart (const char *SyId, const char *ExplTxt, int Dimen, int Typ, int UserInfo)
 Start writing a new symbol in string mode. Returns zero if the operation is not possible or failed. More...

Public Attributes

bool gdxGetDomainElements_DP_CallByRef {}
bool gdxDataReadRawFastFilt_DP_CallByRef {}
bool gdxDataReadRawFastEx_DP_CallByRef {}


int gdxErrorCount () const
 Returns the number of errors. More...
int gdxGetLastError ()
 Returns the last error number or zero if there was no error. Calling this function will clear the last error stored. More...
static int gdxErrorStr (int ErrNr, char *ErrMsg)
 Returns the text for a given error number. Always non-zero. More...


int gdxFileVersion (char *FileStr, char *ProduceStr) const
 Return strings for file version and file producer. Always non-zero. More...
int gdxSetTraceLevel (int N, const char *s)
 Set the amount of trace (debug) information generated. Always non-zero. More...
static int gdxGetDLLVersion (char *V)
 Returns a version descriptor of the library. Always non-zero. More...

Detailed Description

Class for reading and writing GDX files through a efficient low-level interface

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TGXFileObj()

gdx::TGXFileObj::TGXFileObj ( std::string &  ErrMsg)

Create a new GDX file object. Does not open a file yet.

Constructor of GDX file object

ErrMsgOut argument for storing potential error messages. Will be empty when there is no error.

◆ ~TGXFileObj()

gdx::TGXFileObj::~TGXFileObj ( )

Dispose GDX file object.

Destructor of GDX file object

Tears down a file GDX object and potentially closes (and flushes) a file opened for writing.

Member Function Documentation

◆ gdxAcronymAdd()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxAcronymAdd ( const char *  AName,
const char *  Txt,
int  AIndx 

Add a new acronym entry. This can be used to add entries before data is written. Returns negative value (<0) if the entry is not added.

This function can be used to add entries before data is written. When entries are added implicitly use gdxAcronymSetInfo to update the table.

ANameName of the acronym (up to 63 characters) The first character of a symbol must be a letter. Following symbol characters may be letters, digits, and underscores. Symbol names must be new and unique.
TxtExplanatory text of the acronym (up to 255 characters, mixed quotes will be unified to first occurring quote character).
AIndxIndex value of the acronym.
  • 0 If the entry is not added because of a duplicate name using the same value fo the index.
  • -1 If the entry is not added because of a duplicate name using a different value for the index.
  • Otherwise the index into the acronym table (1..gdxAcronymCount).
See also
gdxAcronymGetInfo, gdxAcronymCount

◆ gdxAcronymCount()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxAcronymCount ( ) const

Number of entries in the acronym table.

The number of entries in the acronym table.
See also
gdxAcronymSetInfo, gdxAcronymSetInfo

◆ gdxAcronymGetInfo()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxAcronymGetInfo ( int  N,
char *  AName,
char *  Txt,
int &  AIndx 
) const

Retrieve acronym information from the acronym table. Non-zero if the index into the acronym table is valid.

NIndex into acronym table (range 1..AcronymCount).
ANameName of the acronym (up to 63 characters).
TxtExplanatory text of the acronym (up to 255 characters, mixed quote chars will be unified to first occurring quote).
AIndxIndex value of the acronym.
Make sure AName is 64 bytes and Txt 256 bytes wide to prevent overflow!
Non-zero if the index into the acronym table is valid; false otherwise.
See also
gdxAcronymSetInfo, gdxAcronymCount

◆ gdxAcronymGetMapping()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxAcronymGetMapping ( int  N,
int &  orgIndx,
int &  newIndx,
int &  autoIndex 

Get information how acronym values are remapped. When reading GDX data, we need to map indices for acronyms used in the GDX file to indices used by the reading program. Non-zero if the index into the acronym table is valid.

When reading GDX data, we need to map indices for acronyms used in the GDX file to indices used by the reading program. There is a problem when not all acronyms have been registered before reading the GDX data. We need to map an undefined index we read to a new value. The value of NextAutoAcronym is used for that.

NIndex into acronym table; range from 1 to AcronymCount.
orgIndxThe Index used in the GDX file.
newIndxThe Index returned when reading GDX data.
autoIndexNon-zero if the newIndx was generated using the value of NextAutoAcronym.
Non-zero if the index into the acronym table is valid; false otherwise.
See also
gdxAcronymGetInfo, gdxAcronymCount, gdxAcronymNextNr

◆ gdxAcronymIndex()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxAcronymIndex ( double  V) const

Get index value of an acronym. Returns zero if V does not represent an acronym.

VInput value possibly representing an acronym/Version string after return (gdxGetDLLVersion).
Index of acronym value V; zero if V does not represent an acronym.
See also

◆ gdxAcronymName()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxAcronymName ( double  V,
char *  AName 

Find the name of an acronym value. Non-zero if a name for the acronym is defined. An unnamed acronym value will return a string of the form UnknownAcronymNNN, were NNN is the index of the acronym.

VInput value possibly containing an acronym/Version string after return (gdxGetDLLVersion).
ANameName of acronym value or the empty string (can be up to 63 characters).
Supplied buffer for AName should be 64 bytes long to prevent overflow!
Return non-zero if a name for the acronym is defined. Return zero if V does not represent an acronym value or a name is not defined. An unnamed acronym value will return a string of the form UnknownAcronymNNN; were NNN is the index of the acronym.
See also

◆ gdxAcronymNextNr()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxAcronymNextNr ( int  NV)

Returns the value of the NextAutoAcronym variable and sets the variable to nv.

  • When we read from a GDX file and encounter an acronym that was not defined, we need to assign a new index for that acronym. The variable NextAutoAcronym is used for this purpose and is incremented for each new undefined acronym.
  • When NextAutoAcronym has a value of zero, the default, the value is ignored and the original index as stored in the GDX file is used for the index.
NVNew value for NextAutoAcronym; a value of less than zero is ignored.
Previous value of NextAutoAcronym.

◆ gdxAcronymSetInfo()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxAcronymSetInfo ( int  N,
const char *  AName,
const char *  Txt,
int  AIndx 

Modify acronym information in the acronym table.

  • When writing a GDX file, this function is used to provide the name of an acronym; in this case the Indx parameter must match.
  • When reading a GDX file, this function is used to provide the acronym index, and the AName parameter must match.
NIndex into acronym table (range 1..AcronymCount).
ANameName of the acronym (up to 63 characters). The first character of a symbol must be a letter. Following symbol characters may be letters, digits, and underscores. Symbol names must be new and unique.
TxtExplanatory text of the acronym (up to 255 characters, mixed quote chars will be unified to first occurring quote).
AIndxIndex value of the acronym.
Non-zero if the index into the acronym table is valid; false otherwise.
See also
gdxAcronymGetInfo, gdxAcronymCount

◆ gdxAcronymValue()

double gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxAcronymValue ( int  AIndx) const

Create an acronym value based on the index (AIndx should be greater than 0). Returns the calculated acronym value (zero if AIndx is <0).

AIndxIndex value; should be greater than zero.
The calculated acronym value; zero if Indx is not positive.
See also

◆ gdxAddAlias()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxAddAlias ( const char *  Id1,
const char *  Id2 

Add an alias for a set to the symbol table. One of the two identifiers has to be a known set, an alias or "*" (universe); the other identifier is used as the new alias for the given set. The function gdxSymbolInfoX can be used to retrieve the set or alias associated with the identifier; it is returned as the UserInfo parameter.

Id1First set identifier.
Id2Second set identifier.
One of the set identifiers must be a novel unique name.
Non-zero if the operation is possible, zero otherwise.
See also

◆ gdxAddSetText()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxAddSetText ( const char *  Txt,
int &  TxtNr 

Register a string in the string table Register a string in the string table and return the integer number assigned to this string. The integer value can be used to set the associated text of a set element. The string must follow the GAMS syntax rules for explanatory text e.g. not longer than 255 characters.

TxtThe string to be registered (must not exceed 255 characters).
TxtNrThe index number assigned to this string (output argument).
Mixing of single- and double-quotes in the explanatory text will be resolved by replacing all quote character occurrences with the first one in the text.
Non-zero if the operation is possible, zero otherwise.
See also
gdxGetElemText, gdxSetTextNodeNr

◆ gdxAllowBogusDomains()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxAllowBogusDomains ( ) const

Get flag to ignore using 1-dim sets as domain when their elements are not tracked (see gdxStoreDomainSets). In case the flag is enabled this is allowing potentially unsafe writing of records to symbols with one dimensional sets as domain, when GDX has no lookup table for the elements of this set. This can happen when gdxStoreDomainSets was disabled by the user to save memory. For backwards compatability, this is enabled by default. Return 1 (true) iff. using a 1-dim set as domain (when store domain sets option is disabled) should be ignored. Otherwise an error is raised (ERR_NODOMAINDATA).

1 (true) iff. flag is set, 0 (false) otherwise.

◆ gdxAllowBogusDomainsSet()

void gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxAllowBogusDomainsSet ( int  flag)

Set flag to ignore using 1-dim sets as domain when their elements are not tracked (see gdxStoreDomainSets). Toggle allowing potentially unsafe writing of records to symbols with one dimensional sets as domain, when GDX has no lookup table for the elements of this set. This can happen when gdxStoreDomainSets was disabled by the user to save memory. For backwards compatability, this is enabled by default. When the user explicitly disables it, e.g. via gdxAllowBogusDomainsSet(false), then using a one dimensional set as domain will cause a GDX error (ERR_NODOMAINDATA). Param flag 1 (true) iff. using a 1-dim set as domain (when store domain sets option is disabled) should be ignored. Otherwise an error is raised (ERR_NODOMAINDATA).

flag1 (true) to enable and 0 (false) to disable flag.

◆ gdxAutoConvert()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxAutoConvert ( int  NV)

Returns the value of the AutoConvert variable and sets the variable to nv. When we close a new GDX file, we look at the value of AutoConvert; if AutoConvert is non-zero, we look at the GDXCOMPRESS and GDXCONVERT environment variables to determine if conversion to an older file format is desired. We needed this logic so gdxcopy.exe can disable automatic file conversion.

NVNew value for AutoConvert.
Previous value of AutoConvert.

◆ gdxClose()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxClose ( )

Close a GDX file that was previously opened for reading or writing. Before the file is closed, any pending write operations will be finished. This does not free the GDX in-memory object. This method will automatically be called when the GDX object lifetime ends (e.g. being out of scope).

Returns the value of gdxGetLastError.
See also
gdxOpenRead, gdxOpenWrite

◆ gdxCurrentDim()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxCurrentDim ( ) const

Returns the dimension of the currently active symbol When reading or writing data, the dimension of the current active symbol is sometimes needed to convert arguments from strings to pchars (char ) etc.

When reading or writing data, the dimension of the current active symbol is sometimes needed to convert arguments from strings to pchars (char ) etc. The currently active symbol is selected e.g. by starting a write- or read-operation and choosing its symbol number (SyNr).

Dimension of current active symbol.
See also
gdxDataReadRawStart, gdxDataWriteRawStart

◆ gdxDataErrorCount()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxDataErrorCount ( ) const

Query the number of error records.

After a write operation is finished (with gdxDataWriteDone), the data is sorted and written to the GDX file (for map- and string-mode). If there are duplicate records, the first record is written to the file and the duplicates are added to the error list. When reading data using a filtered read operation, data records that were filtered out because an index is not in the user index space or not in a filter are added the error list.

The number of error records available.
See also

◆ gdxDataErrorRecord()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxDataErrorRecord ( int  RecNr,
int *  KeyInt,
double *  Values 

Retrieve an error record. Non-zero if the record number is valid.

Does not indicate domain violation for filtered/strict read with negative indices.

RecNrThe number of the record to be retrieved (range = 1..NrErrorRecords); this argument is ignored in gdxDataReadMap
KeyIntIndex for the record (array of UEL numbers for each dimension).
ValuesValues for the record (level, marginal, lower-, upper-bound, scale).
  • Same as gdxDataErrorRecordX but negative UEL index numbers (for domain violations) are inverted, so the index is always >=0.
  • KeyInt must be big enough to hold one UEL index for each dimension! Values must have length >=5.
Non-zero if the record number is valid, zero otherwise.
See also

◆ gdxDataErrorRecordX()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxDataErrorRecordX ( int  RecNr,
int *  KeyInt,
double *  Values 

Retrieve an error record. Non-zero if the record number is valid.

Also indicate domain violations for filtered/strict read with negative UEL index values.

RecNrThe number of the record to be retrieved, (range 1..NrErrorRecords); this argument is ignored in gdxDataReadMap
KeyIntIndex for the record, negative uel indicates domain violation for filtered/strict read.
ValuesValues for the record (level, marginal, lower-, upper-bound, scale).
  • KeyInt must be big enough to hold one UEL index for each dimension!
  • Values must have length >=5.
Non-zero if the record number is valid, zero otherwise.
See also

◆ gdxDataReadDone()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxDataReadDone ( )

Finish reading of a symbol in any mode (raw, mapped, string). . Returns zero if the operation is not possible.

Non-zero if the operation is possible, zero otherwise.
See also
gdxDataReadRawStart, gdxDataReadMapStart, gdxDataReadStrStart

◆ gdxDataReadFilteredStart()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxDataReadFilteredStart ( int  SyNr,
const int *  FilterAction,
int &  NrRecs 

Initialize the reading of a symbol in filtered mode. Returns zero if the operation is not possible.

Start reading data for a symbol in filtered mode. Each filter action (1..Dimension) describes how each index should be treated when reading a data record. When new unique elements are returned, they are added to the user index space automatically. The actual reading of records is done with DataReadMap.

The action codes are as follows:

Action code Result
DOMC_UNMAPPED The index is not mapped into user space
DOMC_EXPAND New unique elements encountered will be mapped into the user space
DOMC_STRICT If the unique element in this position does not map into user space, the record will not be available and is added to the error list instead
FilterNumber If the unique element in this position does not map into user space or is not enabled in this filter, the record will not be available and is added to the error list instead
SyNrThe index number of the symbol, range 0..NrSymbols; SyNr = 0 reads universe.
FilterActionArray of filter actions for each index position.
NrRecsThe maximum number of records available for reading. The actual number of records may be less when a filter is applied to the records read.
Non-zero if the operation is possible, zero otherwise.
See also
gdxFilterRegisterStart, gdxDataReadMap, gdxDataReadRawStart, gdxDataReadStrStart, gdxDataReadDone

◆ gdxDataReadMap()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxDataReadMap ( int  RecNr,
int *  KeyInt,
double *  Values,
int &  DimFrst 

Read the next record in mapped mode. Returns zero if the operation is not possible.

RecNrIgnored (left in for backward compatibility).
KeyIntThe index of the record.
ValuesThe data of the record.
DimFrstThe first index position in KeyInt that changed.
Non-zero if the operation is possible, zero otherwise.
See also
gdxDataReadMapStart, gdxDataReadFilteredStart, gdxDataReadDone

◆ gdxDataReadMapStart()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxDataReadMapStart ( int  SyNr,
int &  NrRecs 

Initialize the reading of a symbol in mapped mode. Returns zero if the operation is not possible.

SyNrThe index number of the symbol, range 0..NrSymbols; SyNr = 0 reads universe.
NrRecsThe maximum number of records available for reading. The actual number of records may be less when a filter is applied to the records read.
Non-zero if the operation is possible, zero otherwise.
See also
gdxDataReadMap, gdxDataReadRawStart, gdxDataReadStrStart, gdxDataReadDone

◆ gdxDataReadRaw()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxDataReadRaw ( int *  KeyInt,
double *  Values,
int &  DimFrst 

Read the next record in raw mode. Returns zero if the operation is not possible.

KeyIntThe index of the record in UEL numbers for each dimension.
ValuesThe data of the record (level, marginal, lower-, upper-bound, scale).
DimFrstThe first index position in KeyInt that changed.
KeyInt must be big enough to hold one UEL index for each dimension! Values must have length >=5.
Non-zero if the operation is possible, zero otherwise (e.g. no records left).
See also
gdxDataReadRawStart, gdxDataReadDone

◆ gdxDataReadRawFast()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxDataReadRawFast ( int  SyNr,
TDataStoreProc_t  DP,
int &  NrRecs 

Read a symbol in Raw mode using a callback procedure. Returns zero if the operation is not possible.

Use a callback function to read a symbol in raw mode. Using a callback procedure to read the data is faster because we no longer have to check the context for each call to read a record.

SyNrThe index number of the symbol (range 0..NrSymbols); SyNr = 0 reads universe.
DPProcedure that will be called for each data record. This procedure (return type=void) should have the following signature:
  • UEL index number keys (const int ),
  • values (level, marginal, lower-, upper-bound, scale) (const double )
NrRecsThe maximum number of records available for reading. The actual number of records may be less when a filter is applied to the records read.
Non-zero if the operation is possible, zero otherwise.
See also
gdxDataReadRaw, gdxDataReadMapStart, gdxDataReadStrStart, gdxDataReadDone, gdxDataReadRawFastFilt

◆ gdxDataReadRawFastEx()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxDataReadRawFastEx ( int  SyNr,
TDataStoreExProc_t  DP,
int &  NrRecs,
void *  Uptr 

Read a symbol in Raw mode using a callback procedure. Returns zero if the operation is not possible.

Use a callback function to read a symbol in raw mode. Using a callback procedure to read the data is faster because we no longer have to check the context for each call to read a record.

SyNrThe index number of the symbol (range 0..NrSymbols); SyNr = 0 reads universe.
DPProcedure that will be called for each data record. This function (return type=integer) should return whether reading continues (=0 for stop, >=1 otherwise) and should have the following signature:
  • UEL index number keys (const int ),
  • values (level, marginal, lower-, upper-bound, scale) (const double ),
  • dimension of first change (int),
  • pointer to custom data (void )
NrRecsThe number of records available for reading.
UptrPointer to user memory that will be passed back with the callback.
Non-zero if the operation is possible, zero otherwise.
See also

◆ gdxDataReadRawFastFilt()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxDataReadRawFastFilt ( int  SyNr,
const char **  UelFilterStr,
TDataStoreFiltProc_t  DP 

Read a symbol in Raw mode while applying a filter using a callback procedure. Returns zero if the operation is not possible.

Read a slice of data, by fixing zero or more index positions in the data. When a data element is available, the callback procedure DP is called with the current index (as raw numbers) and the values.

SyNrThe index number of the symbol, range from 0 to NrSymbols; SyNr = 0 reads universe.
UelFilterStrEach index can be fixed by setting the string for the unique element. Set an index position to the empty string in order not to fix that position. If the string is not-empty it should match an UEL name from the UEL table.
DPCallback procedure which will be called for each available data item. This procedure (return type=void) should have the following signature:
  • UEL index number keys (const int ),
  • values (level, marginal, lower-, upper-bound, scale) (const double ),
  • pointer to custom data (void ).
Non-zero if the operation is possible, zero otherwise.
auto DPCallBack = [](const int *Indx, const double *Vals, void *Uptr)
std::string s;
int UelMap;
((TGXFileObj*)Uptr).gdxUMUelGet(Indx[1], s, UelMap);
std::cout << s << ' ' << Vals[vallevel] << std::endl;
return 1;
TgdxStrIndex IndxS;
IndxS[0] = "i200"; IndxS[1] = "";
pgx.gdxDataReadRawFastFilt(1, IndxS, DPCallBack);
Definition: gdx.hpp:37
See also
gdxDataReadRawFast, gdxDataReadSliceStart, gdxDataSliceUELS, gdxDataReadDone

◆ gdxDataReadRawStart()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxDataReadRawStart ( int  SyNr,
int &  NrRecs 

Initialize the reading of a symbol in raw mode. Returns zero if the operation is not possible.

SyNrThe index number of the symbol, range 0..NrSymbols; SyNr = 0 reads universe.
NrRecsThe maximum number of records available for reading. The actual number of records may be less when a filter is applied to the records read.
Non-zero if the operation is possible, zero otherwise.
See also
gdxDataReadRaw, gdxDataReadMapStart, gdxDataReadStrStart, gdxDataReadDone

◆ gdxDataReadSlice()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxDataReadSlice ( const char **  UelFilterStr,
int &  Dimen,
TDataStoreProc_t  DP 

Read a slice of data from a data set, by fixing zero or more index positions in the data. When a data element is available, the callback procedure DP is called with the current index and the values. The indices used in the index vary from zero to the highest value minus one for that index position. This function can be called multiple times. Returns zero if the operation is not possible.

UelFilterStrEach index can be fixed by setting the string for the unique element. Set an index position to the empty string in order not to fix that position.
DimenThe dimension of the index space; this is the number of index positions that is not fixed.
DPCallback procedure which will be called for each available data item. Signature is
  • UEL index number keys for each symbol dimension (const int )
  • 5 double values (const double )
Supply one UEL filter str for each symbol dimension (up to 63 characters per str).
Non-zero if the operation is possible, zero otherwise.
See also
gdxDataReadSliceStart, gdxDataSliceUELS, gdxDataReadDone

◆ gdxDataReadSliceStart()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxDataReadSliceStart ( int  SyNr,
int *  ElemCounts 

Prepare for the reading of a slice of data from a data set. The actual read of the data is done by calling gdxDataReadSlice. When finished reading, call gdxDataReadDone. Returns zero if the operation is not possible.

SyNrSymbol number to read, range 1..NrSymbols; SyNr = 0 reads universe.
ElemCountsArray of integers, each position indicating the number of unique indices in that position.
Non-zero if the operation is possible, zero otherwise.
See also
gdxDataReadSlice, gdxDataReadDone

◆ gdxDataReadStr()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxDataReadStr ( char **  KeyStr,
double *  Values,
int &  DimFrst 

Read the next record using strings for the unique elements. The reading should be initialized by calling DataReadStrStart. Returns zero if the operation is not possible or if there is no more data.

KeyStrThe index of the record as strings for the unique elements. Array of strings with one string for each dimension.
ValuesThe data of the record (level, marginal, lower-, upper-bound, scale).
DimFrstThe first index position in KeyStr that changed.
KeyStr must point to one string for each symbol dimension where each string buffer must have size of 64 bytes. Values must have length >=5 double entries.


Non-zero if the operation is possible; return zero if the operation is not possible or if there is no more data.
See also
gdxDataReadStrStart, gdxDataReadDone

◆ gdxDataReadStrStart()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxDataReadStrStart ( int  SyNr,
int &  NrRecs 

Initialize the reading of a symbol in string mode. Returns zero if the operation is not possible.

Reading data using strings is the simplest way to read data. Every record read using DataReadStr will return the strings for the unique elements. Internal mapping is not affected by this function.

SyNrThe index number of the symbol (range 0..NrSymbols); SyNr = 0 reads universe.
NrRecsThe maximum number of records available for reading. The actual number of records may be less when a filter is applied to the records read.
Non-zero if the operation is possible, zero otherwise.
if(pgx.gdxDataReadStrStart(1,NrRecs)) {
while(pgx.gdxDataReadStr(Uels,Vals)) {
See also
gdxDataReadStr, gdxDataReadRawStart, gdxDataReadMapStart, gdxDataReadDone

◆ gdxDataSliceUELS()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxDataSliceUELS ( const int *  SliceKeyInt,
char **  KeyStr 

Map a slice index in to the corresponding unique elements. After calling DataReadSliceStart, each index position is mapped from 0 to N(d)-1. This function maps this index space back in to unique elements represented as strings. Returns zero if the operation is not possible.

SliceKeyIntThe slice index to be mapped to strings with one entry for each symbol dimension.
KeyStrArray of strings containing the unique elements.
Both SliceKeyInt and KeyStr should match the symbol dimension with their length The string buffers pointed to by KeyStr should each be at least 64 bytes long to store up to 63 character UEL names.
Non-zero if the operation is possible, zero otherwise.
See also
gdxDataReadSliceStart, gdxDataReadDone

◆ gdxDataWriteDone()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxDataWriteDone ( )

Finish a write operation. Returns zero if the operation is not possible.

For mapped- and string-mode the actual writing of the records to the GDX file happens here.

Non-zero if the operation is possible, zero otherwise.
See also
gdxDataErrorCount, gdxDataWriteRawStart, gdxDataWriteMapStart, gdxDataWriteStrStart

◆ gdxDataWriteMap()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxDataWriteMap ( const int *  KeyInt,
const double *  Values 

Write a data element in mapped mode. Returns zero if the operation is not possible.

KeyIntThe index for this element using mapped values.
ValuesThe values for this element.
Non-zero if the operation is possible, zero otherwise.
See also
gdxDataWriteMapStart, gdxDataWriteDone

◆ gdxDataWriteMapStart()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxDataWriteMapStart ( const char *  SyId,
const char *  ExplTxt,
int  Dimen,
int  Typ,
int  UserInfo 

Start writing a new symbol in mapped mode. Returns zero if the operation is not possible.

SyIdName of the symbol (up to 63 characters) or acronym. The first character of a symbol must be a letter. Following symbol characters may be letters, digits, and underscores. Symbol names must be new and unique. Might be an empty string at gdxAcronymName.
ExplTxtExplanatory text for the symbol (up to 255 characters).
DimenDimension of the symbol.
TypType of the symbol.
UserInfoUser field value storing additional data; GAMS follows the following conventions:
Type Value(s)
Aliased Set The symbol number of the aliased set, or zero for the universe
Set Zero
Parameter Zero
Variable The variable type: binary=1, integer=2, positive=3, negative=4, free=5, sos1=6, sos2=7, semicontinous=8, semiinteger=9
Equation The equation type: eque=53, equg=54, equl=55, equn=56, equx=57, equc=58, equb=59
Non-zero if the operation is possible, zero otherwise
See also
gdxDataWriteMap, gdxDataWriteDone

◆ gdxDataWriteRaw()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxDataWriteRaw ( const int *  KeyInt,
const double *  Values 

Write a data element in raw mode. Returns zero if the operation is not possible.

When writing data in raw mode, the index space used is based on the internal index space. The indices used are in the range 1..NrUels but this is not enforced. Before we can write in raw mode, the unique elements (strings) should be registered first. When writing raw, it assumed that the records are written in sorted order and that there are no duplicate records. Records that are not in sorted order or are duplicates will be added to the error list (see DataErrorCount and DataErrorRecord).

KeyIntThe index for this element.
ValuesThe values for this element.
Non-zero if the operation is possible, zero otherwise.
See also
gdxDataWriteRawStart, gdxDataWriteDone

◆ gdxDataWriteRawStart()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxDataWriteRawStart ( const char *  SyId,
const char *  ExplTxt,
int  Dimen,
int  Typ,
int  UserInfo 

Start writing a new symbol in raw mode. Returns zero if the operation is not possible.

Raw mode flushes new records immediately to the GDX file (unlike mapped or string mode). The key indices for the record are provided as unique element numbers.

SyIdName of the symbol (up to 63 characters). The first character of a symbol must be a letter. Following symbol characters may be letters, digits, and underscores. Symbol names must be new and unique.
ExplTxtExplanatory text for the symbol (up to 255 characters).
DimenDimension of the symbol (up to 20).
TypType of the symbol (set=0, parameter=1, variable=2, equation=3, alias=4).
UserInfoUser field value storing additional data; GAMS follows the following conventions:
Type Value(s)
Aliased Set The symbol number of the aliased set, or zero for the universe
Set Zero
Parameter Zero
Variable The variable type: binary=1, integer=2, positive=3, negative=4, free=5, sos1=6, sos2=7, semicontinous=8, semiinteger=9
Equation The equation type: eque=53, equg=54, equl=55, equn=56, equx=57, equc=58, equb=59
Non-zero if the operation is possible, zero otherwise.
See also
gdxDataWriteRaw, gdxDataWriteDone

◆ gdxDataWriteRawStartKeyBounds()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxDataWriteRawStartKeyBounds ( const char *  SyId,
const char *  ExplTxt,
int  Dimen,
int  Typ,
int  UserInfo,
const int *  MinUELIndices,
const int *  MaxUELIndices 

Start writing a new symbol in raw mode with bounds for UEL key indices being known in advance. This helps potentially reducing the required storage for the keys as smaller integral datatypes can be used. Returns zero if the operation is not possible.

Raw mode flushes new records immediately to the GDX file (unlike mapped or string mode). The key indices for the record are provided as unique element numbers.

SyIdName of the symbol (up to 63 characters). The first character of a symbol must be a letter. Following symbol characters may be letters, digits, and underscores. Symbol names must be new and unique.
ExplTxtExplanatory text for the symbol (up to 255 characters).
DimenDimension of the symbol (up to 20).
TypType of the symbol (set=0, parameter=1, variable=2, equation=3, alias=4).
UserInfoUser field value storing additional data; GAMS follows the following conventions:
Type Value(s)
Aliased Set The symbol number of the aliased set, or zero for the universe
Set Zero
Parameter Zero
Variable The variable type: binary=1, integer=2, positive=3, negative=4, free=5, sos1=6, sos2=7, semicontinous=8, semiinteger=9
Equation The equation type: eque=53, equg=54, equl=55, equn=56, equx=57, equc=58, equb=59
MinUELIndicesMinimum UEL indices for each symbol dimension. Can help with shrinking storage for keys.
MaxUELIndicesMaximum UEL indices for each symbol dimension. Can help with shrinking storage for keys.
Non-zero if the operation is possible, zero otherwise.
See also
gdxDataWriteRaw, gdxDataWriteDone

◆ gdxDataWriteStr()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxDataWriteStr ( const char **  KeyStr,
const double *  Values 

Write a data element in string mode. Each element string must follow the GAMS rules for unique elements. Returns zero if the operation is not possible.

  • When writing data using string elements, each string element is added to the internal unique element (UEL) table and assigned an index.
  • Writing using strings does not add the unique elements to the user mapped space.
  • Each element string must follow the GAMS rules for unique elements e.g. not exceeding 63 characters in length and not mixing single- and double-quotes.
KeyStrThe index for this element using strings for the unique elements. One entry for each symbol dimension.
ValuesThe values for this element (level, marginal, lower-, upper-bound, scale).
  • This write operation affects the in-memory GDX object.
  • Actual flushing of the records to the GDX file happens in gdxDataWriteDone.
  • KeyStr should point to one string for each symbol dimension.
  • Each key string should not be longer than 63 characters. Values should be big enough to store 5 double values.
  • Make sure there is a key string for each symbol dimension and each key string does not exceed 63 characters.
  • Make sure values does not contain more than 5 entries. See: gdxDataWriteMapStart , gdxDataWriteDone
Non-zero if the operation is possible, zero otherwise.

◆ gdxDataWriteStrStart()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxDataWriteStrStart ( const char *  SyId,
const char *  ExplTxt,
int  Dimen,
int  Typ,
int  UserInfo 

Start writing a new symbol in string mode. Returns zero if the operation is not possible or failed.

Adds a new symbol and supplies the UEL keys of the records for each dimension as strings. UEL labels can be known or new (in which case they are added to the UEL table).

SyIdName of the symbol (limited to 63 characters). The first character of a symbol must be a letter. Following symbol characters may be letters, digits, and underscores. Symbol names must be new and unique.
ExplTxtExplanatory text for the symbol (limited to 255 characters). Mixed quote characters will be unified to first occurring one.
DimenDimension of the symbol (limited to 20).
TypType of the symbol (set=0, parameter=1, variable=2, equation=3, alias=4).
UserInfoSupply additional data. See gdxDataWriteRawStart for more information.
Non-zero if the operation is possible, zero otherwise.
See also
gdxDataWriteStr, gdxDataWriteDone

◆ gdxErrorCount()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxErrorCount ( ) const

Returns the number of errors.

Total number of errors encountered.
See also

◆ gdxErrorStr()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxErrorStr ( int  ErrNr,
char *  ErrMsg 

Returns the text for a given error number. Always non-zero.

ErrNrError number.
ErrMsgError message (output argument). Contains error text after return.
Supplied buffer for error message ErrMsg should be at least 256 bytes long.
Always returns non-zero.
See also

◆ gdxFileInfo()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxFileInfo ( int &  FileVer,
int &  ComprLev 
) const

Returns file format number and compression level used. Always non-zero.

FileVerFile format number or zero if the file is not open.
ComprLevCompression used; 0= no compression, 1=zlib.
Always returns non-zero.

◆ gdxFileVersion()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxFileVersion ( char *  FileStr,
char *  ProduceStr 
) const

Return strings for file version and file producer. Always non-zero.

FileStrVersion string (out argument). Known versions are V5, V6U, V6C and V7.
ProduceStrProducer string (out argument). The producer is the application that wrote the GDX file.
Supplied buffers for FileStr and ProduceStr should be 256 bytes long to prevent overflow.
Always non-zero.
See also
gdxOpenWrite, gdxOpenWriteEx

◆ gdxFilterExists()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxFilterExists ( int  FilterNr)

Check if there is a filter defined based on its number as used in gdxFilterRegisterStart. Returns zero if the operation is not possible.

FilterNrFilter number as used in FilterRegisterStart.
Non-zero if the operation is possible, zero otherwise.
See also

◆ gdxFilterRegister()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxFilterRegister ( int  UelMap)

Add a unique element to the current filter definition, zero if the index number is out of range or was never mapped into the user index space.

Register a unique element as part of the current filter. The function returns false if the index number is out of range of valid user indices or the index was never mapped into the user index space.

UelMapUnique element number in the user index space or -1 if element was never mapped.
Non-zero if the operation is possible, zero otherwise.
See also
gdxFilterRegisterStart, gdxFilterRegisterDone

◆ gdxFilterRegisterDone()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxFilterRegisterDone ( )

Finish registration of unique elements for a filter. Returns zero if the operation is not possible.

Non-zero if the operation is possible, zero otherwise.
See also
gdxFilterRegisterStart, gdxFilterRegister

◆ gdxFilterRegisterStart()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxFilterRegisterStart ( int  FilterNr)

Define a unique element filter. Returns zero if the operation is not possible.

Start the registration of a filter. A filter is used to map a number of elements to a single integer; the filter number. A filter number can later be used to specify a filter for an index position when reading data.

FilterNrFilter number to be assigned.
Non-zero if the operation is possible, zero otherwise.
See also
gdxFilterRegister, gdxFilterRegisterDone, gdxDataReadFilteredStart

◆ gdxFindSymbol()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxFindSymbol ( const char *  SyId,
int &  SyNr 

Search for a symbol by name in the symbol table; the search is not case-sensitive.

  • When the symbol is found, SyNr contains the symbol number and the function returns a non-zero integer.
  • When the symbol is not found, the function returns zero and SyNr is set to -1.
SyIdName of the symbol (must not exceed 63 characters).
SyNrSymbol number (>=1 if exists, 0 for universe and -1 if not found).
Non-zero if the symbol is found, zero otherwise.
See also
gdxSymbolInfo, gdxSymbolInfoX

◆ gdxGetDLLVersion()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxGetDLLVersion ( char *  V)

Returns a version descriptor of the library. Always non-zero.

VContains version string after return.
Output argument buffer V should be 256 bytes long.
Always returns non-zero.

◆ gdxGetDomainElements()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxGetDomainElements ( int  SyNr,
int  DimPos,
int  FilterNr,
TDomainIndexProc_t  DP,
int &  NrElem,
void *  Uptr 

Get the unique elements for a given dimension of a given symbol.

Using the data of a symbol, get the unique elements for a given index position. To achieve this, the symbols data is read and a tally is kept for the elements in the given index position. When a filter is specified, records that have elements in the specified index position that are outside the filter will be added to the list of DataErrorRecords.

SyNrThe index number of the symbol, range 1..NrSymbols; SyNr = 0 reads universe.
DimPosThe dimension to use, range 1..dim.
FilterNrNumber of a previously registered filter or the value DOMC_EXPAND if no filter is wanted.
DPCallback procedure which will be called once for each available element (can be nil).
NrElemNumber of unique elements found.
UptrUser pointer; will be passed to the callback procedure.
Non-zero if the operation is possible, zero otherwise.
int Cnt;
auto DataDomainCB = [](int RawNr, int MappedNr, void *UPtr) {
std::cout << RawNr << " (" << MappedNr << ")" << std::endl;
pgx.gdxGetDomainElements(1, 1, DOMC_EXPAND, nullptr, cnt);
std::cout << "Domain count only = " << cnt << std::endl;
pgx.gdxGetDomainElements(1, 1, DOMC_EXPAND, DataDomainCB, cnt);
std::cout << "Get domain count = " << cnt << std::endl;
pgx.gdxGetDomainElements(1, 1, 7, DataDomainCB, cnt);
std::cout << "Using filter 7; number of records in error list = " << gdxDataErrorCount(PGX) << std::endl;
int gdxDataErrorCount() const
Query the number of error records.
Definition: gxfile.cpp:2135
See also

◆ gdxGetElemText()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxGetElemText ( int  TxtNr,
char *  Txt,
int &  Node 

Retrieve the string and node number for an entry in the string table. Returns zero if the operation is not possible.

  • When writing to a GDX file, this index is the value returned by calling gdxAddSetText.
  • When reading a GDX file, the index is returned as the level value when reading a set.

The Node number can be used as an index in a string table in the user space; the value is set by calling SetTextNodeNr.
If the Node number was never assigned, it will be returned as zero.

TxtNrString table index.
TxtText found for the entry. Buffer should be 256 bytes wide.
NodeNode number (user space) found for the entry.
Buffer supplied in out argument string Txt should be 256 bytes wide to prevent overflow!
Non-zero if the operation is possible, zero otherwise.
// assumes we are reading using strings
while(pgx.gdxDataReadStr(Uels, Vals)) {
for(int D{}; D<Dim; D++)
std::cout << Uels[D] << " ";
int indx = std::round(Vals[vallevel]);
if(indx > 0) {
pgx.gdxGetElemText(indx, S, N);
std::cout << "txt = " << S << "Node = " << N;
std::cout << std::endl;
See also
gdxAddSetText, gdxSetTextNodeNr

◆ gdxGetLastError()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxGetLastError ( )

Returns the last error number or zero if there was no error. Calling this function will clear the last error stored.

When an error is encountered, an error code is stored which can be retrieved with this function. If subsequent errors occur before this function is called, the first error code will be maintained. Calling this function will clear the last error stored.

The error number, or zero if there was no error.
See also

◆ gdxGetMemoryUsed()

int64_t gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxGetMemoryUsed ( )

Return the number of bytes used by the data objects.

The number of bytes used by the data objects.

◆ gdxGetSpecialValues()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxGetSpecialValues ( double *  AVals)

Retrieve the internal values for special values. Always non-zero.

AVals6-element array of special values used for Undef (0), NA (1), +Inf (2), -Inf (3), Eps (4), Acronym (6).
Output argument array Avals should have size for 7 elements.
Always non-zero.
See also
gdxResetSpecialValues, gdxSetSpecialValues

◆ gdxGetUEL()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxGetUEL ( int  UelNr,
char *  Uel 
) const

Get the string for a unique element using a mapped index. Returns zero if the operation is not possible.

Retrieve the string for an unique element based on a mapped index number.

UelNrIndex number in user space (range 1..NrUserElem).
UelString for the unique element which may be up to 63 characters.
Supplied buffer for storing the Uel name should be 64 bytes long to prevent overflow!
Return non-zero if the index is in a valid range, zero otherwise.
See also

◆ gdxMapAcronymsToNaN()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxMapAcronymsToNaN ( ) const

Flag to map all acronym values to the GAMS "Not a Number" special value. Disabled by default.

1 (true) iff. flag is set, 0 (false) otherwise.

◆ gdxMapAcronymsToNaNSet()

void gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxMapAcronymsToNaNSet ( int  flag)

Flag to map all acronym values to the GAMS "Not a Number" special value. Disabled by default.

flag1 (true) to enable and 0 (false) to disable flag.

◆ gdxMapValue()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxMapValue ( double  D,
int &  sv 

Classify a value as a potential special value. Non-zero if D is a special value, zero otherwise.

DValue to classify.
Returns non-zero if D is a special value, zero otherwise.
See also
gdxGetSpecialValues, gdxSetSpecialValues

◆ gdxOpenAppend()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxOpenAppend ( const char *  FileName,
const char *  Producer,
int &  ErrNr 

Open an existing GDX file for output. Non-zero if the file can be opened, zero otherwise.

If a file extension is not supplied, the extension ''.gdx'' will be used. The return code is a system dependent I/O error. When appending to a GDX file, the symbol table, uel table etc will be read and the whole setup will be treated as if all symbols were just written to the GDX file. Replacing a symbol is not allowed; it will generate a duplicate symbol error. '

FileNameFile name of the GDX file to be created (arbitrary length).
ProducerName of program that appends to the GDX file (should not exceed 255 characters).
ErrNrReturns an error code or zero if there is no error.
Returns non-zero if the file can be opened; zero otherwise.
std::string Msg;
TGXFileObj pgx {Msg}
int ErrCode;
pgx.gdxOpenAppend("file1.gdx","Examples", ErrCode);
if(ErrCode) {
[ ... ]
int gdxOpenAppend(const char *FileName, const char *Producer, int &ErrNr)
Open an existing GDX file for output. Non-zero if the file can be opened, zero otherwise.
Definition: gxfile.cpp:3420
See also
gdxOpenRead, gdxOpenWrite, gdxOpenWriteEx

◆ gdxOpenRead()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxOpenRead ( const char *  FileName,
int &  ErrNr 

Open a GDX file for reading. Non-zero if the file can be opened, zero otherwise.

Open an existing GDX file for input. If a file extension is not supplied, the extension '.gdx' will be used. The return code is a system dependent I/O error. If the file was found, but is not a valid GDX file, the function GetLastError can be used to handle these type of errors.

FileNameFile name of the GDX file to be opened (arbitrary length).
ErrNrReturns an error code or zero if there is no error.
Returns non-zero if the file can be opened; zero otherwise.
std::string errMsg;
TGXFileObj pgx{errMsg};
pgx.gdxOpenRead("file1.gdx", ErrNr);
if(ErrNr) {
int gdxOpenRead(const char *FileName, int &ErrNr)
Open a GDX file for reading. Non-zero if the file can be opened, zero otherwise.
Definition: gxfile.cpp:1722
See also
gdxOpenWrite, gdxGetLastError

◆ gdxOpenReadEx()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxOpenReadEx ( const char *  FileName,
int  ReadMode,
int &  ErrNr 

Open a GDX file for reading allowing for skipping sections. Non-zero if the file can be opened, zero otherwise.

Open an existing GDX file for input. If a file extension is not supplied, the extension '.gdx' will be used. The return code is a system dependent I/O error. If the file was found, but is not a valid GDX file, the function GetLastError can be used to handle these type of errors.

FileNameFile name of the GDX file to be opened (arbitrary length).
ReadModeBitmap skip reading sections: 0-bit: string (1 skip reading string).
ErrNrReturns an error code or zero if there is no error.
Returns non-zero if the file can be opened; zero otherwise.
int ErrNr;
pgx.gdxOpenReadEx("file1.gdx", fmOpenRead, ErrNr);
if(ErrNr) {
See also
gdxOpenWrite, gdxGetLastError

◆ gdxOpenWrite()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxOpenWrite ( const char *  FileName,
const char *  Producer,
int &  ErrNr 

Open a new GDX file for output. Non-zero if the file can be opened, zero otherwise.

Uses the environment variable GDXCOMPRESS to set compression argument for gdxOpenWriteEx. Potentially overwrites existing file with same name. If a file extension is not supplied, the extension '.gdx' will be used. The return code is a system dependent I/O error.

FileNameFile name of the GDX file to be created with arbitrary length.
ProducerName of program that creates the GDX file (should not exceed 255 characters).
ErrNrReturns an error code or zero if there is no error.
Returns non-zero if the file can be opened; zero otherwise.
See also
gdxOpenRead, gdxOpenWriteEx

◆ gdxOpenWriteEx()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxOpenWriteEx ( const char *  FileName,
const char *  Producer,
int  Compr,
int &  ErrNr 

Create a GDX file for writing with explicitly given compression flag. Non-zero if the file can be opened, zero otherwise.

Open a new GDX file for output. If a file extension is not supplied, the extension '.gdx' will be used. The return code is a system dependent I/O error.

FileNameFile name of the GDX file to be created with arbitrary length.
ProducerName of program that creates the GDX file (should not exceed 255 characters).
ComprZero for no compression; non-zero uses compression (if available).
ErrNrReturns an error code or zero if there is no error.
When writing compressed, set the AutoConvert flag to zero so the file is not uncompressed after the gdxClose; see gdxAutoConvert.
Returns non-zero if the file can be opened; zero otherwise.
std::string errMsg;
TGXFileObj pgx{errMsg};
if(!errMsg.empty()) {
std::cout << "Failure with GDX: " << errMsg << std::endl;
int ErrCode;
pgx.gdxOpenWriteEx("file1.gdx", "Examples", 1, ErrCode);
if(ErrCode) {
[ ... ]
int gdxOpenWriteEx(const char *FileName, const char *Producer, int Compr, int &ErrNr)
Create a GDX file for writing with explicitly given compression flag. Non-zero if the file can be ope...
Definition: gxfile.cpp:397
See also
gdxOpenRead, gdxOpenWrite, gdxAutoConvert

◆ gdxRenameUEL()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxRenameUEL ( const char *  OldName,
const char *  NewName 

Rename unique element OldName to NewName.

OldNameName of an existing unique element (UEL).
NewNameNew name for the UEL. Must not exist in UEL table yet.
String for unique element (UEL) which may not exceed a length of 63 characters. Furthermore a UEL string must not mix single- and double-quotes.
Zero if the renaming was possible; non-zero is an error indicator.

◆ gdxResetSpecialValues()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxResetSpecialValues ( )

Reset the internal values for special values. Always non-zero.

Always non-zero.
See also
gdxSetSpecialValues, gdxGetSpecialValues

◆ gdxSetHasText()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxSetHasText ( int  SyNr)

Test if any of the elements of the set has an associated text. Non-zero if the Set contains at least one unique element that has associated text, zero otherwise.

SyNrSet symbol number (range 1..NrSymbols); SyNr = 0 reads universe.
Non-zero if the set contains at least one element that has associated text, zero otherwise.
See also
gdxSystemInfo, gdxSymbolInfo

◆ gdxSetReadSpecialValues()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxSetReadSpecialValues ( const double *  AVals)

Set the internal values for special values when reading a GDX file. Before calling this function, initialize the array of special values by calling gdxGetSpecialValues first. Always non-zero.

AVals5-element array of special values to be used for Undef, NA, +Inf, -Inf, and Eps. Note that the values do not have to be unique.
Before calling this function, initialize the array of special values by calling gdxGetSpecialValues first.
AVals must have length of at least 5 double values.
Always non-zero.
See also
gdxSetSpecialValues, gdxResetSpecialValues, gdxGetSpecialValues

◆ gdxSetSpecialValues()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxSetSpecialValues ( const double *  AVals)

Set the internal values for special values. Before calling this function, initialize the array of special values by calling gdxGetSpecialValues first. Note, values in AVals have to be unique. Non- zero if all values specified are unique, zero otherwise.

AValsArray of special values to be used Undef (0), NA (1), +Inf (2), -Inf (3), and EPS (4). Note that the values have to be unique and AVals should have length 7.
Before calling this function, initialize the array of special values by calling gdxGetSpecialValues first.
Size of AVals should be 7.
Non-zero if all values specified are unique, zero otherwise.
See also
gdxSetReadSpecialValues, gdxResetSpecialValues, gdxGetSpecialValues

◆ gdxSetTextNodeNr()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxSetTextNodeNr ( int  TxtNr,
int  Node 

Set the Node number for an entry in the string table. After registering a string with AddSetText, we can assign a node number for later retrieval. Returns zero if the operation is not possible.

After registering a string with AddSetText, we can assign a node number for later retrieval. The node number is any integer which is stored without further restrictions.

TxtNrIndex number of the entry to be modified.
NodeThe new Node value for the entry.
Non-zero if the operation is possible, zero otherwise.
See also
gdxAddSetText, gdxGetElemText

◆ gdxSetTraceLevel()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxSetTraceLevel ( int  N,
const char *  s 

Set the amount of trace (debug) information generated. Always non-zero.

NTracing level N <= 0 no tracing N >= 3 maximum tracing.
sA string to be included in the trace output (arbitrary length).
Always non-zero.


◆ gdxStoreDomainSets()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxStoreDomainSets ( ) const

Get flag to store one dimensional sets as potential domains, false (0) saves lots of space for large 1-dim sets that are no domains but can create inconsistent GDX files if used incorrectly. Returns 1 (true) iff. elements of 1-dim sets should be tracked for domain checking, 0 (false) otherwise.

1 (true) iff. flag is set, 0 (false) otherwise.

◆ gdxStoreDomainSetsSet()

void gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxStoreDomainSetsSet ( int  flag)

Set flag to store one dimensional sets as potential domains, false (0) saves lots of space for large 1-dim sets that are no domains but can create inconsistent GDX files if used incorrectly. Param flag 1 (true) iff. elements of 1-dim sets should be tracked for domain checking, 0 (false) otherwise.

flag1 (true) to enable and 0 (false) to disable flag.

◆ gdxSymbIndxMaxLength()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxSymbIndxMaxLength ( int  SyNr,
int *  LengthInfo 

Returns the length of the longest UEL used for every index position for a given symbol.

SyNrSymbol number (range 1..NrSymbols); SyNr = 0 reads universe.
LengthInfoThe longest length for each index position. This output argument should be able to store one integer for each symbol dimension.
Make sure LengthInfo can store one integer for each symbol dimension.
The length of the longest UEL found in the data (over all dimensions).
See also

◆ gdxSymbMaxLength()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxSymbMaxLength ( ) const

Returns the length of the longest symbol name in the GDX file.

The number of characters in the longest symbol name.

◆ gdxSymbolAddComment()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxSymbolAddComment ( int  SyNr,
const char *  Txt 

Add a line of comment text for a symbol. Returns zero if the operation is not possible.

SyNrThe symbol number (range 1..NrSymbols); if SyNr <= 0 the current symbol being written.
TxtString to add which should not exceed a length of 255 characters.
A line of comment text can not contain more than 255 characters but there are no other restrictions on it.
Non-zero if the operation is possible, zero otherwise.
See also

◆ gdxSymbolDim()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxSymbolDim ( int  SyNr)

Returns dimensionality of a symbol.

SyNrThe symbol number (range 0..NrSymbols); return universe info when SyNr = 0..
-1 if the symbol number is not in the correct range, the symbol dimension otherwise.
See also
gdxSymbolInfo, gdxSymbolInfoX, gdxFindSymbol

◆ gdxSymbolGetComment()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxSymbolGetComment ( int  SyNr,
int  N,
char *  Txt 

Retrieve a line of comment text for a symbol. Returns zero if the operation is not possible.

SyNrThe symbol number (range 1..NrSymbols); SyNr = 0 reads universe.
NLine number in the comment block (1..Count).
TxtString containing the line requested (empty on error). Buffer should be able to hold 255 characters. Potential causes for empty strings are symbol- (SyNr) or line-number (N) out of range.
Output argument string buffer must have size of 256 bytes.
Non-zero if the operation is possible, zero otherwise.
See also

◆ gdxSymbolGetDomain()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxSymbolGetDomain ( int  SyNr,
int *  DomainSyNrs 

Retrieve the domain of a symbol. Returns zero if the operation is not possible.

SyNrThe index number of the symbol (range 1..NrSymbols); SyNr = 0 reads universe.
DomainSyNrsArray (length=symbol dim) returning the set identifiers or "*"; DomainSyNrs[D] will contain the index number of the one dimensional set or alias used as the domain for index position D. A value of zero represents the universe "*".
Integer array DomainSyNrs should be able to store one entry for each symbol dimension.
Non-zero if the operation is possible, zero otherwise.
See also
gdxSymbolSetDomain, gdxSymbolGetDomainX

◆ gdxSymbolGetDomainX()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxSymbolGetDomainX ( int  SyNr,
char **  DomainIDs 

Retrieve the domain of a symbol (using relaxed or domain information). Returns zero if the operation is not possible.

SyNrThe index number of the symbol (range 1..NrSymbols); SyNr = 0 reads universe.
DomainIDsDomainIDs[D] will contain the strings as they were stored with the call gdxSymbolSetDomainX. If gdxSymbolSetDomainX was never called, but gdxSymbolSetDomain was called, that information will be used instead. Length of this array should by dimensionality of the symbol. The special domain name "*" denotes the universe domain (all known UELs).
Make sure DomainIDs is able to store a domain name for each symbol dimension. Each domain name requires a 256 byte wide buffer to store its maximum of 255 characters.
  • 0: If operation was not possible (Bad SyNr)
  • 1: No domain information was available
  • 2: Data used was defined using gdxSymbolSetDomainX
  • 3: Data used was defined using gdxSymbolSetDomain
See also
gdxSymbolSetDomainX, gdxSymbolSetDomain

◆ gdxSymbolInfo()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxSymbolInfo ( int  SyNr,
char *  SyId,
int &  Dimen,
int &  Typ 

Returns information (name, dimension count, type) about a symbol from the symbol table. Returns zero if the symbol number is out of range, non-zero otherwise.

SyNrThe symbol number (range 0..NrSymbols); return universe info () when SyNr = 0.
SyIdName of the symbol (buffer should be 64 bytes long). Magic name "*" for universe.
DimenDimension of the symbol (range 0..20).
TypSymbol type (set=0, parameter=1, variable=2, equation=3, alias=4).
SyId must be 64 characters long.
Zero if the symbol number is not in the correct range, non-zero otherwise.
See also
gdxSystemInfo, gdxSymbolInfoX, gdxSymbolDim, gdxFindSymbol

◆ gdxSymbolInfoX()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxSymbolInfoX ( int  SyNr,
int &  RecCnt,
int &  UserInfo,
char *  ExplTxt 

Returns additional information about a symbol. Returns zero if the symbol number is out of range, non-zero otherwise.

SyNrThe symbol number (range 0..NrSymbols); return universe info when SyNr = 0.
RecCntTotal number of records stored (unmapped); for the universe (SyNr = 0) this is the number of entries when the GDX file was opened for reading.
UserInfoUser field value storing additional data; GAMS follows the following conventions:
Type Value(s)
Aliased Set The symbol number of the aliased set, or zero for the universe
Set Zero
Parameter Zero
Variable The variable type: binary=1, integer=2, positive=3, negative=4, free=5, sos1=6, sos2=7, semicontinous=8, semiinteger=9
Equation The equation type: eque=53, equg=54, equl=55, equn=56, equx=57, equc=58, equb=59
ExplTxtExplanatory text for the symbol. Buffer for this output argument should be 256 bytes long.
Make sure the output argument string buffer for ExplTxt has size of 256 bytes.
Zero if the symbol number is not in the correct range, non-zero otherwise.
See also
gdxSystemInfo, gdxSymbolInfo, gdxFindSymbol

◆ gdxSymbolSetDomain()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxSymbolSetDomain ( const char **  DomainIDs)

Define the domain of a symbol for which a write data operation just started using DataWriteRawStart, DataWriteMapStart or DataWriteStrStart. Returns zero if the operation is not possible.

This function defines the domain for the symbol for which a write data operation just started using DataWriteRawStart, DataWriteMapStart or DataWriteStrStart. At this point the symbol and dimension is known, but no data has been written yet. Each identifier will be checked to be a one dimensional set or an alias. When a domain is specified, write operations will be domain checked; records violating the domain will be added the the internal error list (see DataErrorCount and DataErrorRecord).

DomainIDsArray of identifiers (domain names) or "*" (universe). One domain name for each symbol dimension.
Make sure there is one buffer with size 64 bytes for each symbol dimension.
Non-zero if the operation is possible, zero otherwise.
See also

◆ gdxSymbolSetDomainX()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxSymbolSetDomainX ( int  SyNr,
const char **  DomainIDs 

Define the domain of a symbol (relaxed version). Returns zero if the operation is not possible.

This function defines the relaxed domain information for the symbol SyNr. The identifiers will NOT be checked to be known one-dimensional sets, and no domain checking will be performed. This function can be called during or after the write operation. If domain checking is needed, use gdxSymbolSetDomain.

SyNrThe index number of the symbol, range from 0 to NrSymbols; SyNr = 0 reads universe.
DomainIDsArray of identifiers (domain names) or "*" (universe). One domain name per symbol dimension with not more than 63 characters.
Non-zero if the operation is possible, zero otherwise.
See also
gdxSymbolSetDomain, gdxSymbolGetDomainX

◆ gdxSystemInfo()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxSystemInfo ( int &  SyCnt,
int &  UelCnt 
) const

Returns the number of symbols and unique elements. Always non-zero.

SyCntNumber of symbols (sets, parameters, ...) available in the GDX file.
UelCntNumber of unique elements (UELs) stored in the GDX file.
Returns a non-zero value.

◆ gdxUELMaxLength()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxUELMaxLength ( ) const

Returns the length of the longest unique element (UEL) name.

The length of the longest UEL name in the UEL table.
See also

◆ gdxUELRegisterDone()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxUELRegisterDone ( )

Finish registration of unique elements. Returns zero if the operation is not possible.

Non-zero if the operation is possible, zero otherwise.
See also
gdxUELRegisterRawStart, gdxUELRegisterMapStart, gdxUELRegisterStrStart

◆ gdxUELRegisterMap()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxUELRegisterMap ( int  UMap,
const char *  Uel 

Register unique element in mapped mode. A unique element must follow the GAMS rules when it contains quote characters. Returns zero if the operation is not possible.

UMap is the user assigned index for the element. Registering an element a second time is not considered an error as long as the same UMap is used. Assigning different elements with the same UMap value is an error. A unique element must follow the GAMS rules when it contains quote characters and not exceed 63 characters length.

UMapUser index number to be assigned to the unique element, -1 if not found or the element was never mapped.
UelString for unique element (max. 63 chars and no single-/double-quote mixing).
Non-zero if the operation is possible, zero otherwise.
See also
gdxUELRegisterMapStart, gdxUELRegisterDone

◆ gdxUELRegisterMapStart()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxUELRegisterMapStart ( )

Start registering unique elements in mapped mode. Returns zero if the operation is not possible.

Non-zero if the operation is possible, zero otherwise.
See also
gdxUELRegisterMap, gdxUELRegisterDone

◆ gdxUELRegisterRaw()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxUELRegisterRaw ( const char *  Uel)

Register unique element in raw mode. This can only be used while writing to a GDX file. Returns zero if the operation is not possible.

The unique element (UEL) is registered in raw mode, i.e. the internally assigned integer index is determined by the system. Can only be used while writing to a GDX file and gdxUELRegisterRawStart was called beforehand.

UelString for unique element (UEL) which may not exceed 63 characters in length. Furthermore a UEL string must not mix single- and double-quotes.
Non-zero if the operation is possible, zero otherwise.
See also
gdxUELRegisterMap, gdxUELRegisterDone

◆ gdxUELRegisterRawStart()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxUELRegisterRawStart ( )

Start registering unique elements in raw mode. Returns zero if the operation is not possible.

Non-zero if the operation is possible, zero otherwise.
See also
gdxUELRegisterRaw, gdxUELRegisterDone

◆ gdxUELRegisterStr()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxUELRegisterStr ( const char *  Uel,
int &  UelNr 

Register a unique element in string mode. A unique element must follow the GAMS rules when it contains quote characters. Non-zero if the element was registered, zero otherwise.

The unique element is registered in user mapped space. The returned index is the next higher value. Registering an element a second time is not considered an error and the same index position will be returned. A unique element must follow the GAMS rules when it contains quote characters. Can only be used while writing to a GDX file and gdxUELRegisterStrStart was called beforehand.

UelString for unique element (UEL) which may not exceed a length of 63 characters. Furthermore a UEL string must not mix single- and double-quotes.
UelNrInternal index number assigned to this unique element in user space (or -1 if not found).
Non-zero if the element was registered, zero otherwise.
See also
gdxUELRegisterStrStart, gdxUELRegisterDone

◆ gdxUELRegisterStrStart()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxUELRegisterStrStart ( )

Start registering unique elements in string mode. Returns zero if the operation is not possible.

Non-zero if the operation is possible, zero otherwise.
See also
gdxUELRegisterStr, gdxUELRegisterDone

◆ gdxUMFindUEL()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxUMFindUEL ( const char *  Uel,
int &  UelNr,
int &  UelMap 

Search for unique element by its string. Non-zero if the element was found, zero otherwise.

UelString to be searched (not longer than 63 characters, don't mix single- and double-quotes).
UelNrInternal unique element number or -1 if not found.
UelMapUser mapping for the element or -1 if not found or the element was never mapped.
Non-zero if the element was found, zero otherwise.

◆ gdxUMUelGet()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxUMUelGet ( int  UelNr,
char *  Uel,
int &  UelMap 

Get a unique element using an unmapped index. Returns zero if the operation is not possible.

UelNrElement number (unmapped) (range 1..NrElem) or -1 if not found.
UelString for unique element. Buffer should be 64 bytes long (to store maximum of 63 characters).
UelMapUser mapping for this element or -1 if element was never mapped.
Make sure buffer for Uel is at least 64 bytes long to prevent potential overflow.
Non-zero if the operation is possible, zero otherwise.
See also
gdxUMUelInfo, gdxGetUEL

◆ gdxUMUelInfo()

int gdx::TGXFileObj::gdxUMUelInfo ( int &  UelCnt,
int &  HighMap 
) const

Return information about the unique elements (UELs). Always non-zero.

UelCntTotal number of unique elements (UELs in GDX file plus new registered UELs).
HighMapHighest user mapping index used.
Always returns non-zero.
See also

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